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Get Your Free Weekly Credit Report

Free Weekly Credit Report Experian Transunion Equifax

Get your free weekly credit report from the major credit reporting agencies, now through 2021.

As part of the incentive to help consumers stay abreast of their finances during the uncertainty of COVID-19, the three major credit reporting agencies are allowing free access to their credit recording profile services once per week. Before, you could only access your credit report once a year for free.

Equifax, Experian, and Transunion allow Americans to stay on top of their existing credit profiles with this news. A free weekly credit report check-in could be a great way for you to stay on top of financial accounts both past and present.

Why do I need this free weekly credit report?

In order to stay on top of your open lines of credit, or to prevent fraud, you need access to this report.

That does not mean you need to check in each week, only that the option is available to you.

If there are issues with past or present accounts, including errors about skipped payments or other inaccuracies, you can quickly correct each mistake with the appropriate creditor.

Use your free weekly credit report to stay on top of your financial well-being during these tumultuous times.

Where can I get this report?

You can visit and start the process now. Remember, once per week is free.

What will I see on my profile?

Each credit reporting agency listed above will include a long list of all recorded credit profiles tied to you. You will also see a running list of on-time or delinquent payment calendars. This will allow you to make sure that your credit profile reflects the reality of your monthly obligations. For instance, if you see a month reported late, but you paid on time, this would be a good time to follow up with that creditor.

You will not see, however, a credit score on your account.

If you’re ready to take advantage of your strong credit history, you can apply for products at Paramount Bank. Take a look at our home loan products for new buyers and existing home owners. We also offer strong banking products. Paramount Bank has been serving customers for more than 50 years, and are eager to speak with you soon.

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